Waterama Sponsorship
The tradition of Waterama is an entertaining event for families and friends. It takes a lot of work to put Waterama together. From the advertising dollars of business owners and individuals, to the countless hours from our committees, the entire community makes Waterama happen.
Your generous support provides the finances that underwrite Waterama. If you would like to donate by participating in the sponsorship program,
just pick one of the sponsorship opportunities listed below. Waterama welcomes full payment of your sponsorship by June 1, 2022. This will allow Waterama to give you maximum use of the publicity. Checks can be made out to City of Glenwood with "Waterama Sponsorship" listed in the
memo section. Mail to P.O. Box 105, Glenwood, MN 56334. The Waterama Brass and Board of Directors wish to thank and acknowledge you for your generosity. All sponsors will be recognized in the Pope County Tribune and will be listed on the Waterama souvenir program.
- 2024 Sponsorships -
$2,500 OR MORE


Glenwood Fire Department

Glenwood, MN
Rick &
$750 TO $2,499
Glacial Ridge Veterinary Clinic
Scott & Alyssa Gullickson
The Klick Foundation
Eagle Bank
Glenwood State Bank
Glenwood Fleet Supply
$500 TO $749
Pope County Tribune
Glacial Ridge Hopsital
Magnifi Financial
Heartland Orthopedic Specialists
Affordable Floor Covering Inc
Robert Schroeder Construction Inc
Northern Print Company
Hilltop Lumber
Minnesota Olive Oil Company
Screen Prints Plus
Starbuck Fire Department Auxiliary
Knights of Columbus
$350 TO $499
West Central Sanitation
Clyde Machines
Phil & Catherine Stumpf
JB Peters & Helen Gudeman
$200 TO $349
Glenwood Lions Club
R/C Machining Company
American Diversity
Dane & Beth Ankeny
Wildman Electric
Holland Storage
Lakes Family Chiropractic
Amy Roers Insurance Agency Inc
Lowry State Bank
Strecker Agency Inc
DQ/Waska Treats
Bonanza Valley State Bank
Hoplin Hitchock Funeral Home
Eagle Insurance Agency
BBBB of South Dakota Inc
Dental Health Services
Beverage Wholesalers Inc
Glenwood Retirement Village
Gene & Sany Schroeder
Lowry Fireman Relief
Trumm Drug
Jean & Jeff Hebeisen

$100 TO $199
Minnewaska Wellness Center
Jeff & Mary Beth Schlueter
CF Industries
Rapid Response Plumbing & Heating
Glenwood State Real Estate
Thompson Services
Swartz Brothers Associates Inc
Glenwood State Insurance Agency
Glenwood Lakes Area Welcome Center
John & Mary Stone
Aj’s Bar & Grill
Studio E Architects
Minnewaska Liquor
Team Laboratory Chemical, LLC
Central Lakes Orthodontics
Obenland & Nelson Law
Denny’s Electric
Kadejan Market
Dr. Robert & Delight Montenegro
Mary Johnson
Dr. Rod & Renae Brown
Palmer Creations
Zenk Law
$60 TO $99
Uptown Florist
$1 TO $59
Clarice Bredeson
Johnson Chiropractic & Sports Clinic
Napa Central
Lowry Insurance
Jeff Roste Creative Impact Design
Vintage House Antiques
AgCode Inc
Bobber’s Marine & Sports Center
Lane Studio
Pope County Tribune
Subway of Glenwood
Anchored In Hope Photography
Ann Bickle Heritage House
City of Glenwood
Diane Rust
Spark 27 Creative
Glenwood Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce
KMGK Radio
Lakeside Ballroom
Magnifi Financial
McMahon Oil
Midwest Machine
Palmer Creations
Pfeninger Trucking
Pope County Ag Society
Rolling Forks Vineyard
Screen Prints Plus
Wildman Electric
Minnewaska Meats